Do you judge?

Do you ever find yourself judging others?  Maybe over how they are dressed?  Maybe how they act because they are different from you?  Why do we find ourselves judging another person when we wouldn’t want to be judge. Do we really feel like we have the right?  I don’t believe we do because of a little thing called a conscious. 

This really goes back to when everyone is a kid. Were you taught to do bad or did it just come naturally?  If you stop and think about it, most likely if you did something wrong it just came naturally and no one taught you how to be bad but you probably remember your parents trying to correct you when you were and to teach us to do right.  

So back to the judging…why do we do it?  Is it possible that we were taught how at a young age to compare ourselves to others, just because the other person may have a better car or a new shirt?  Somehow I see a fine line between judging and comparing ourselves to others.  It’s really one in the same. We teach our children not to covet yet it’s a natural thing that comes to want what the other person has.  Most likely it’s because we push and push our children to do better. We want them to be better than ourselves and go further in life.  We want them to go to school and get the best education there is and have the best home there is.  Yet where are the values in everyday life. If we took out the drive to push them don’t you imagine they would find there own way and explore the values they already have.  Then possibly they wouldn’t compare themselves with the child who has shoes better than them or vice versa.  Maybe they wouldn’t have to have the big house to live in, just a roof over there head would do.   

We judge others way to fast and we also judge ourselves.  Somehow there is a lie in there that says talking about someone will make you feel better.  But most don’t feel better after they’ve done it.  How can we stop judging others in our lives?  I would start by not judging yourself so harshly and to start taking notice when we do start to judge others.  

What would the world be like if we lifted each other up instead of judging?  


About sshuls

I am a life coach and reiki master helping women create a life of abundance, freedom and joy.
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1 Response to Do you judge?

  1. Barbra says:

    I believe you are correct. We push others to be what we want them to be, maybe that’s not their path. I didn’t create a human being so how can I know their destiny??? Maybe we should allow our children room to grow into their own. Not neglect them but as the butterfly, let them go through their own metamorphosis.


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